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Getting started - HTTP application

Yokai provides a ready to use HTTP application template to start your HTTP projects.


The HTTP application template provides:


This template is following the recommended project layout:

  • cmd/: entry points
  • configs/: configuration files
  • internal/:
    • handler/: HTTP handler and test examples
    • bootstrap.go: bootstrap
    • register.go: dependencies registration
    • router.go: routing registration


This template provides a Makefile:

make up     # start the docker compose stack
make down   # stop the docker compose stack
make logs   # stream the docker compose stack logs
make fresh  # refresh the docker compose stack
make test   # run tests
make lint   # run linter


With GitHub

You can create your repository using the GitHub template.

It will automatically rename your project resources, this operation can take a few minutes.

Once ready, after cloning and going into your repository, simply run:

make fresh

With gonew

You can install gonew, and simply run:

cd bar
make fresh


Once ready, the application will be available on:

Going further

To go further, you can: